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CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type Application in SDK iOS 4.2

Edit Project Setting =》Build =》 Code Signing =》 Any ios 的值设置为iphone Developer

Edit Project Setting 下面的那个菜单:Edit Active Target “Hello World” =》Build =》 Code Signing =》 Any ios 的值设置为iphone Developer


    软件发布SignTool Error 处理方法

    VS2005/VS2008软件发布问题:SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign 处理方法



    xcode 4.2 免证书真机调试配置

    xcode 4.2 免证书真机调试配置 1、根据《XCode 4.2 免证书调试之...6、XCode4.2项目中,Build Setting->Code signing->Code signing Identity, 点击"Don't Code Sign",选择other,在弹出框中填入"iPhone Developer"。

    Introduction.to.Android.Application.Development(4th,2013.12) pdf

    Running Your Android Application in the Emulator 76 Debugging Your Android Application in the Emulator 80 Adding Logging Support to Your Android Application 83 Adding Some Media Support to Your ...


    修改源码后的jar包 解决:The signing key's size is 1024 bits which is not secure enough for the RS256 algorithm.

    mac os x 安装php环境

    mac os x 安装php环境,主要安装php,mysql,memcache,apache,Brew,pear和pecl,xdebug等;按给好的命令进行安装,简单快捷。


    中<key>CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED <string>YES <key>ENTITLEMENTS_REQUIRED <string>YES YES 改为NO 3.修改 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform目录下 Info.plis中...

    electronic-osx-sign:Codesign Electron macOS应用程序

    Codesign Electron macOS应用程序 关于 提供了最基本的工具和资产,从而最大程度地减少了最终准备交付应用所需的额外工作。 请注意,这里的基本必需品足以启用应用程序沙箱,但是其他用于网络访问的配置等需要额外...

    Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store

    Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store


    Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with mobile devices. It has features already, but is still very much a work-in-progress. It is developed by saurik (Twitter and website). Also: Tons of people ...


    For example, error control is often provided at more than one layer. 23. The five layers in the Internet protocol stack are – from top to bottom – the application layer, the transport layer, the ...


    * Allow specifying application name for data objects. * Basic reader hotplug support. * PC/SC library is dynamic linked no longer compile time dependency. * PKCS#11 provider is now installed at LIBDIR...


    gradle-gpg-signing-plugin 不再维护:此插件提供的功能自起已包含在Gradle中。 由于不再需要该插件,因此已经放弃了该插件的工作。 要在Gradle 4.5及更高版本中通过gpg-agent签署工件,请使用的以下构建脚本代码段...


    So a look-up for a key just compares the first keys in the page list to find the page required and gets the key from the page's dictionary. MGIndex is O(log M)+O(1), M being N / PageItemCount ...

    Getting Started with Android Studio

    Furthermore, you're going to sign, build and run apps and prepare them for the Android Market: - Screenshots - Signing with the Signing Wizard - Signing a Release apk using Gradle Create and run Test ...

    Professional Android 4 Application Development 源代码

    Android SDK Features Introducing the Open Handset Alliance What Does Android Run On? Why Develop for Mobile? Why Develop for Android? Introducing the Development Framework Chapter 2: Getting Started ...

    Android Application Security Essentials

    Application signing 15 Data storage on the device 15 Crypto APIs 16 Device Administration 17 Summary 17 Chapter 2: Application Building Blocks 19 Application components 19 Activity 20 Activity ...


    The Android App Bundle is a new format for publishing Android apps in app distribution stores such as Google Play. Bundletool has a few different responsibilities: Build an Android App Bundle from ...

    Xcode Treasures: Master the Tools to Design, Build, and Distribute Great Apps

    Discover how much easier and more fun iOS development is when you know the secrets of the tools. About the Pragmatic Bookshelf Contents What Readers Are Saying About Xcode Treasures Acknowledgments ...


    Signtool代码签名此操作将对给定文件夹中的签名文件进行编码,如果需要,可以递归执行。 该操作使用base64编码的PFX证书通过将证书添加到存储中来对文件进行签名,然后使用signtool进行代码签名。 除description外,...

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